I am taking a break from my studies to write a short blog on what I am learning and relearning. My love is writing, but there is so much that I want to write down. I also love studying the Bible. This is my motivation to pass on what I learn. I have come to realize there is a fine line between serving others as he Bible tells to do (which Jesus was the perfect example) and enabling. Enabling has to do with sin. An enabler helps a sinner to continue in their sin. They may feel they are doing it out of love, but it is not love to help someone continue in their sinful life. I will write more on this later after I do a thorough research on the two topics.
Today I want to talk about Matthew 6:21 "Your heart will be where your treasure is" This verse comes up a lot when I research clutter and hoarding. hoarding is sinful. Hanging on to stuff is sin. Some say it is a mental illness. Perhaps for some it is. But for others, it is just worshiping your belongings. We don't need a lot of belongs. We are to just have what we need in life. Items that we absolutely love are those things that we should keep if they are not things we need in life. Everything EVERYTHING! that we have should be for the glory of God or to glorify God. If you are trying to declutter, ask yourself, "Does it Glorify God?" If not, toss it, sell it or donate it. A gift or a souvenir can be something that glorifies God because it is a memory of a loved one or a special time in our lives that we consider a blessing from God.
We should work hard for what we need in life. Work. Serving others is a type of work. Working in pursuit of things that leave us empty and broken inside is not what God wants us to do. We should be weary doing what is good in God's eyes at the end of the day so that we can have a good rest. The Bible does say to not grow weary doing good. This means to not give up. Keep doing good and God will bless you in his time. Keep fighting the fight. Go for the reward which is Heaven. Life is all about Jesus and our reward is Heaven. Jesus is our path to Heaven.
I am so sickened by selfish people. Pursuing what they want. Hurting others who get in their way. They grow weary pursuing things that never satisfy. They are never satisfied. They want more and more. They want it better next time. A higher high you might say. Self and possessions can be sinful.
Enabling helps another with their selfish wants. Serving others is helping them with what they need in life to survive. Serving is love motivated. Enabling is not..by no means. If the Bible says something is a sin, condoning or defending the sin is not love. That is where hate come in. Love tries to stop the sin. Hate allows the sin to continue.
Love is not angry or hateful. Love speaks the truth. The truth is God's words. If someone wont listen when you speak the truth, walk away. Don't take it personally. Brush the dirt off your shoes as they did in the Bible and walk away. Pray for them. Pray for those who hurt you. Pray for your enemies!! Pray for the lost.
Read your Bible, talk to God and pray for others. Learn about Jesus. Serve others.