Tuesday, October 15, 2013


      I never knew it would hurt so much to lose a pet.  I guess I loved him a lot.  Charlie was born on October 18, 2010 and died October 10, 2013.   I have so much to say.  It has affected many people.  He is in Heaven now with Emy Rose, my mom, my late husband, Misty, Daydream, Spot, and many others who have gone on to Heaven.  He and his cat friend are running around together.  His cat friend died the same way he did.


       In December, 2007 we got Scout.  He was so little.  In Sept. 2007, we got Layla.  Scout and Layla  were best friends from the beginning.  She was living in an apartment with a cat that hated her.  The cat traumatized little Layla who was a puppy and just wanted to play.  She was taken out onto a balcony for outside time.  Scout thought it was a playdate.  He didn't like bringing her home, but he loved her and protected her, esp from the Chihuahua down the street.  That is a story for later. 
On October 18, 2010, Scout and Layla became the parents of six puppies.  Sooner, Boomer, Halfie, Okie, and two more.  We loved those little ones.  Sooner ended up being ours.  A lady was going to adopt him, but she never came back.  Okie was adopted by a very nice lady, Laura.  She loved him from the beginning.  She did everything she knew to keep him healthy and so he could grow into a beautiful dog.  She adopted him sometime in December 2010.  In July, 2012 she wrote to us saying her job responsibilities had changed and she had to travel a lot.  He was being put in a kennel while she was out of town.   She wanted to know if anyone would like a dog.  He was one of our babies, so we took him back.  At first he was very protective of himself.  He's snap at me if he didn't want to do something (come in from outside)  It took him a while to learn that we love him and will not give him away.  He loved my husband from the beginning.  He was Paul's dog.  Later I will write about all the things he did that made him "Charlie"  Oh, Laura named him Charlie.  I loved that name for him.  There will never be another Charlie.  Charlie learned to love me and it brightened my heart when he came to sit on my lap or to snuggle with me.  He was beautiful just like his mommy (Layla)  He and Sooner played all the time.  About the time that Charlie came back to us, Scout was getting tired of playing with Sooner.  Along came Charlie, he was still a puppy.  He loved to play!! He was all puppy even though he was a bigger dog than Scout or Sooner. 

     Charlie liked to run!  I like to chase cats!  We would have to hang onto him so that he didn't run away.  He loved laying in the doggie pen.  Running in the doggie pen.  He love laying in the sun.  He loved being outside. 

To be continued.......


Monday, October 14, 2013

Education should be funded

     I am all for more money going for schools. I said this one time on FB and got bombarded by comments saying the schools have enough money. Comments on how it is the student's fault they are not learning because they don't want to learn. Comments on how teacher's are not working hard enough (just like the man said in this blog.) I KNOW how hard teacher's work, and now there are so many who don't have the help of an assistant. It makes me sick that the teachers are not being paid for a very important, challenging and exhausting job that they do. It makes me sick that children are continued to be disregarded and pushed to the side when it comes to their needs. God Bless those who teach. They should be greatly rewarded!!