Monday, September 12, 2016

More on Self Talk

      I am reading a book that someone gave to me to read.  I wondered what is wrong with me that people give me books to read.  My daughter said , " Maybe she thought it was a good book"   so I am reading it to see if it is something I need.  The author calls it "Soul Talk"  All is well with my soul.  Well I feel all IS  well with my soul.  But maybe not??  Maybe people see me as someone who is lost.  I try to prove to people all the time that I am NOT lost.  I am not blind or deaf to what God has to say.  I try to (maybe too hard) to let people know they are not living right.  I point out things that are not Holy.  I tell people all the time what the Bible says. 

      What I read today talks about what we say to ourselves about ourselves.  I'm a bad mother, I a failure, Etc..."  Well, I HAVE  said I was a failure.  But I like myself.  I don't understand why people don't like me.  That is what I tell myself.  I am a good, funny, smart and sweet.  But people talk to me and I guess I tell too much about myself and they never want to talk to me again.  I talk of my sorrows, my trials.  I guess I am talking to negatively.  I need people I can talk to about everything.  I do have my kids and my friend Erin.   I did get into a discussion on facebook about the ability to cry.  I was so argumentative.  It got kind of crazy.  I sure didn't represent Jesus very well.  That is my goal that people will see what God wants them to know.  That the world is bad.  Then on Sunday we sang a song that had a line, "Boast in Jesus"  I should just share Jesus and boast in HIM.  So far what I have read in this book, is not me.  I don't think badly of myself.  I think I am a likeable person, but others don't see it.  I am not a narcissist though.  No way!!!  I am very honest.  Maybe too honest.  Maybe that's why people don't like me.  I hate lyers.  Well not hate. 

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