Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is all about JESUS

This is a good short film (33 minutes)  about Christianity.  The importance of Jesus our saviour. 

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The bible tells us not to judge others or we will be judged.  God is the judge of all, so it is not up to us to do so.  I am bothered by the different religions judging each other and thinking they are the right religion.  All that matters is if you believe that Jesus , born of a virgin,  was God's son sent to earth to die on the cross for our sins and he rose again.  If your worship is praising and focusing on Jesus and the Holy Bible, it doesnt matter how you worship.  We as Christians are to live a simple life, serve others, and share Jesus with others.  Keeping Him as our focus for life and looking to Him in all situations.   The church is the Bride of Christ and Jesus is the groom.  Think about this.  I will share more on this topic later.    Christians dont have the right to just do as they please and commit sins and think, "oh, I am forgiven"  If you love God then you should want to glorify him with your life.  You should want to live for Him.  But, we are human and we do sin.  Acknowledge your sins, appologize, repent (turn away) from the sin.  This is hard and if we ask for God's help, he will help us to get over a sin.  He will help us stop the sin.  Satan knows our weaknesses, but if we just ask for God's help, He will defeat Satan.  Sometimes you just have to say out loud "Flee Satan!"  " I love Jesus!  He is my savior and I follow him!"    Being a Christian does not mean your life will be easy, but with God's help you can have peace while going through hard times.    There is so much to say but I have to just write a little at a time.  I will write more later and I am going to write on the topics of friendship, marriage, and the Christian life as time goes on.   The Bible says to think on good things, holy things, positive things, loving things, kind things.  Love...Jesus is Love...Peace...Jesus gives us the Bible and do what it says...Trust that God is in control no matter what! to God all day.  Pray without ceasing.   Dont tolorate sin...confront it!  If you accept sin because you dont want to offend someone..that is not Love.  Set Godly boundries.  If someone hurts you, or offends you..pray for them, give them a blessing.  This is what the Bible says to do.   Until Later...God Bless you

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