Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Thoughts

Everyone has their choise of what kind of church they want to go to.  I have found that I dont care for the massive huge churches.  They dont have a "family" feel and I would like to know most of the people who attend the church I go to.  I dont care either for the church were the preacher is in another town and his sermons are sent to smaller churches where people sit and watch a screen.  I want a church that teaches the truth and that my children are safe in.  I also want a church where my children are happy.  There is nothing wrong with everyone attending the church they are happy with.  I think it is fun to grow with a church.  Start small.  I once said that a church I attended just got to many people..and it lost it's family feel.  But there is nothing wrong with that at all.  This church is doing great things for the Lord.  I lift them in prayer! I left another church because my children and I did not fit in.  My husband didnt attend church and out marriage was not the best (the word for it was abusive) I dont think people knew how to treat me or what to say to me.   I was not a stay home mom , nor did I home school.  My daughter was a "problem" child and another mother said she did not want her daughter knowing kids like my daughter.  She had every right to protect her daughter.  That was fine.  We moved on (after 11 years)  My son had a learning disability and could not read well.  The girls in his sunday school class, teased him.  So we moved on to a church where the children were accepting of him.  This same church was accepting of my daughter.  We stayed at this church for many years (9 or 10) until it just got to big for me.  

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